WePlanet is all about data-driven action. So at the end of last year we set out to find out more about you, and what you want to see us achieve in the world. Thank you so much to everyone who completed the survey!
The big story is that this community is very pro-nuclear, with over 80% of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing that tackling climate change requires investments in nuclear power.

This is music to our ears. At WePlanet, we believe in following the evidence – and right now the evidence shows that nuclear power, combined with renewables, is our best shot at abundant clean energy for the world. [1]
We have to treat these results lightly: those who responded were self-selecting and, at 500 people, too small in number for statistical significance. But knowing we’re connected to such an enthusiastic network of pro-nuclear, pro-green citizens, gives us huge confidence in the fight for science-based energy policies.
That’s not all. We also found out that the majority of you think large-scale nature restoration and rewilding are key to dealing with our environmental challenges, along with a drive for equitable development in the global south. These are both issues that we feel passionate about, and where we have a long list of campaign plans. (Watch this space!)

There was strong support expressed for gene editing and alternative proteins too, with far more people responding positively than negatively when asked about these technologies, though a sizeable chunk of you remain neutral, showing we have more work to do to explore and explain the issues, and set out our case.

This more nuanced picture isn’t surprising. These are big, complex issues, and the stakes are high. That’s why we promise that every campaign decision we make, every action we invite you to take, will be grounded in the latest science.
Finally, a peak at how we did on values:

[1] Nuclear Power and What are the safest and cleanest sources of energy?, Our World in Data website, accessed January 24, 2025